Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm back!

So.... after a long time of not writing in this boring little blog, guess what I'm doing before going off to camp for 5 weeks? YOU GOT IT! I'm gonna write. Yessss...

What's going on:

Well, I just got a new straightener. It's the BaByliss PRO Nano Titanium. Its super cool looking.
I also got Moroccanoil

and CHI Silk Infusion

and Tresemme Heat Tamer

I know youre thinking "what the heck? obsessed much??" Well I am.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Double Whammy!

So, it snowed Saturday (sorry about the time! :( ) and it snowed 18 inches! Yesssss, finally! SNOW! I didn't have school today (Alex and I went sledding and made this amazing ramp that flew us off of our sled a few times), and were not having school tomorrow -> Montgomery County Public Schools website. Saturday, I took a picture of the snow in the morning, and the snow is actually up to the umbrella now.

Experimenting with my dSLR and photoshop ;)

I'm hoping for another snow day Wednesday! That will make a LONG christmas vacation!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

the day

today was full of procrastination... like always. im so tired i dont feel like inserting any symbols or any caps. toodles. gotta write an essay.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

If you had a bad day...

Today, sucked. So. Bad.

Well, first, I found my art supplies, which was good. And I painted 2 painting (one of the snow because it snowed today, and one of potatoes). They were really good. Sort of. I mean, the best you can do with tempera paints ;) Well, I showed them to Audra, and the paints are too fumey. Let's leave it at that.

Before that, they told me that it's stupid to ask for a macbook for xmas, because I mean, it's $950, but I've been saving up for it ($300 so far) Which makes it $650, and I have a lot of relatives... And, I can take out of my bank account, I mean, I'd rather xmas $$$ to go towards this laptop that I really want. Dad: I'm getting a *beastly kick butt* new *iMac* computer, so we'll do the "old" swap. Sarah: *silence* *cool, I officially got the old donkey computer that I have just been using for 3 years now. Awesome, how exiting*, what a change* (* <- means I added this for better understanding)

Plus, for my b-day, I want that Smart Pen thing. So I can upload my notes to my "new" computer.

My Life is *stupid crappy awful boring dumb* amazing.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Today, was another rigorous day of IB, but I wont go into that (you can find that on my other blog - Today I wore a yellow WWF plaidpanda t-shirt with a blue striped button-down shirt that I tied in the middle. I wore t his with med wash hermosa skinny pac sun jeans and gray chucks. Of course, I wasn't matching socks ;). In 4th pd, I made my laces up so they were just horizontal lines. Spencer said something cool today: "It's the last november day of the decade." It took me a while to process this, while Rio of course said something that he believed was witty: "And Sarah is trying to figure out how this could be wrong, but, she can't." Rio needs to shut up sometimes. Charlotte "kindly" offered to tie my laces backwards with the bow at the front, and I "kindly" said no. XD. I had another detention with Mr. Giblin because I forgot my book (cut us some slack, we just ingested 5 pounds of turkey over the break). But before I had to serve this, Neha and Errin went to CVS to spend my $20 on replacement icing for their bio projects. THen I served a boring detention with Giblin. Spent gym listening to Jenny complain for 47 minutes... yada yada yada... then 7th pd, I learned that, in the summer, Alena goes with my outfit, except without the t-shirt under it. Wow. What a ____ (noun). Well, sorry for not updating sooner, pretty busy with IB. Toodsels.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Boring day...

So, I woke up at 9 am, did some online shopping/browsing. I twittered, stumbled upon, and blogged ( I had scones for breakfast, then worked on my boring english outline. I procrastinated for 4 hours, so I really didn't get anything done on my outline. Then Anna called me about the animation. Gots to get is working again (ugh). Then I had lunch, gumbo - yum yum. Then I procrastinated like a boss by eating mini marshmallows, and then I had dinner - the last leftovers from thanksgiving, makes me a bit sad... :( no more yams. Now I'm here blogging after a nice shower. Nightletoods.
P.S. I made this for twitpic, but I liked it and now I'm posting it here. ;)

Friday, November 27, 2009

A few buttons...

I was bored so I made some buttons in Photoshop out of stickers: